Thursday 28 April 2011

Biebs And Marky Mark To Team Up For Basketball Movie??

Biebs And Mark To BBall
And it's a drama!
Okay, so. We feel like we mislead you a bit because we said "basketball" movie. What we should have said was "street hoops" movie, because that's a much better fit for Justin Bieber.
Can the Biebs pull it off? We're going to give him the benefit of the doubt for a few reasons, but the main one would be that Mark Wahlberg is taking him under his cinematic wing. We all remember where Mark started out, right?
As Marky Mark. He was last seen in the Oscar nominated The Fighter. So it can be done, and he knows how to pull it off. In fact, it was another movie that had a basketball connection that did it for him, The Basketball Diaries.
We'll be honest: The studio would be insane not to get this going.Never Say Never was made for $13 Mil, and made $97 Mil worldwide. He obviously has the draw, and we know he can act even just a little bit (CSI, baby!).
Go for it, Justin and Mark! We think the world is ready for it!
Would U see a Bieber starred movie??

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